Onto this week:
I don't really carry a purse. Usually, I carry an oversize bag with at least one project in it and enough stuff to get me though a boring day at work. I work at an LYS, so I tend to carry my full arsenol of crochet hooks and notions with me at all times. So, onto the pictures!
This is the overview of my bag, this week. I have many many bags. Too many. But this cheapo walmrt bag is one of my favorites. It has lots of pockets, but is big enough to hold everything! Including a sweater WIP if needed.
So, pocket #1 contains:
Crochet Hooks
Jaywalker #1
An oatmeal cookie (mid-afternoon snack, see previous recipe. Yum)
Pocket #2 Contains:
Sunglass Clip (but I'm not even wearing glasses today)
Lots of anti-cold supplements
Lip Stuff
Pocket #3 Contains:
Jawalker #2
Measuring Tape
Pocket #4 Contains:
Lots more lip stuff
Tide To Go Stick
Dental Appointment reminder card (For APRIL!)
Bug bite stick (because if there is a bug around, I will be bit)
And the big inside pocket:
Water Bottle
Flash light
More mints
Hand lotion
More lip stuff
Eye drops
There you have it. My bag guts. This is a fairly tame day. I just switched over to this bag on Sunday. I try to change bags about every other week to keep the clutter down.
And guys, I think I officially have a lip stuff problem. I have that many in my bag and I still have another one in my pocket. Is there a support group for this kind of thing?
If there's a lip stuff support group, sign me up! :D
And clearly I'm missing something with these Tide to Go things... everyone seems to keep one in their purse. Perhaps I should start doing so, too.
You know what I've noticed? We all seem to have a lot of lip stuff!
Just goes to show- knitters get more kisses!
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