Wednesday, September 26, 2007

BlogStalking, Week 2: Purse Guts!

I'm gonna start off by saying that ya'all's comments on my previous post make me all warm and fuzzy. Thanks everyone! Just to answer a few questions, my dog is a Border Collie Mix, we're not sure with what but the suspicions are corgi and lab. The "bread" was biscotti for my downstream SP, orange chocolate biscotti. It was very yum. Thanks again for all the comments. I've tried to get around to each of you, but I'm sure I missed some of you. So I'm thanking you here!

Onto this week:
I don't really carry a purse. Usually, I carry an oversize bag with at least one project in it and enough stuff to get me though a boring day at work. I work at an LYS, so I tend to carry my full arsenol of crochet hooks and notions with me at all times. So, onto the pictures!

This is the overview of my bag, this week. I have many many bags. Too many. But this cheapo walmrt bag is one of my favorites. It has lots of pockets, but is big enough to hold everything! Including a sweater WIP if needed.

So, pocket #1 contains:
Crochet Hooks
Jaywalker #1
An oatmeal cookie (mid-afternoon snack, see previous recipe. Yum)

Pocket #2 Contains:
Sunglass Clip (but I'm not even wearing glasses today)
Lots of anti-cold supplements
Lip Stuff

Pocket #3 Contains:
Jawalker #2
Measuring Tape

Pocket #4 Contains:
Lots more lip stuff
Tide To Go Stick
Dental Appointment reminder card (For APRIL!)
Bug bite stick (because if there is a bug around, I will be bit)

And the big inside pocket:
Water Bottle
Flash light
More mints
Hand lotion
More lip stuff
Eye drops

There you have it. My bag guts. This is a fairly tame day. I just switched over to this bag on Sunday. I try to change bags about every other week to keep the clutter down.

And guys, I think I officially have a lip stuff problem. I have that many in my bag and I still have another one in my pocket. Is there a support group for this kind of thing?


Trillian42 said...

If there's a lip stuff support group, sign me up! :D

And clearly I'm missing something with these Tide to Go things... everyone seems to keep one in their purse. Perhaps I should start doing so, too.

Anonymous said...

You know what I've noticed? We all seem to have a lot of lip stuff!

Just goes to show- knitters get more kisses!