Sunday, August 19, 2007

It Rained!

Or, I should say, It's Raining! We haven't had rain in MONTHS. But it's raining today. And it's only 59 degrees outside. I feel right at home. It's cold, gray, and wet. At least this will make me do inside work. I have about a metric ton of laundry to do and about 3 hours of ironing to do. I have 2 pairs of pants to shorten and Steven is bugging me to finally finish seaming the last curtain for our bedroom. Yet all I want to do is sit around and knit and wear warm clothes. Because it's raining for the first time in MONTHS (literally, I'm not kidding here. It was May or June the last time I saw it rain). Oh yes, and I have to go grocery shopping. Yuck.

I did finish My So Called Scarf though. I only used one ball and I'll turn the second one into a hat, in all likelihood. Or maybe a second scarf for a Christmas present. Or maybe I'll incorporate it into a felted bag. We'll see. But I liked the length on it with one ball. So it needs to be blocked and then photoed. I'll try to get you pictures later this week.

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