Thursday, October 11, 2007

BlogStalking, Week3: From here to there

I'm way behind on this blogstalking thing. I'm hoping to get caught up within the next week. So here is my week three. For the most part, when I need to get somewhere, I go in my '02 Ford ranger. I love love love this car. We got it with just over 11,000 miles on it about a year and a half ago. We paid too much money for it, but it's a great truck. See:
Excuse the dust. I badly need to clean the interior of my truck. The outside looks pretty great right now. It's been raining off and on and that washes all the dust off and makes it nice and pretty.
More lip stuff in my truck. I really do think that I have a problem with this.
Think anyone could tell that I have a dog? There's a leash or two in there, a halti, and a water bottle and bowl. Oh yes, and my fantastic air freshner that smells like sandlewood. Yummy.

Week four will be up by the weekend and hopefully Next week will bring week 5. Or even this weekend. It's been... strange... around here. DH is out of town on a training trip all next week. It's the first time we've been apart overnight and I'm not looking forward to it at all. I think it will be nice to be able to clean without him critiquing how I do it. And to be able to go to bed whenever I want to (our house is under 600 sq feet, so sleeping while he's still up isn't much of an option). But I think the novelty will be gone by Tuesday and I'll start getting lonely. Very lonely.

1 comment:

Holly said...

I hope your week alone isn't too quiet! I find that cleaning does get done better, and faster, when the husband is away. It's a solo activity in my world. Use some time to knit!